
to Ilona’s online practice for

personal transformation

Session Experience Description

  • Each session is unique to you, guided to give you the best possible results. Clients say they leave inspired, with more clarity and confidence moving forward. Most people come back for multiple sessions after they experience the benefits. I don’t give any guarantees for results, because they solely depend on you. All healing is self-healing, you have to make the choice to accept the results available from the session. The good news is that we can work on subconscious blocks undermining the change.

    I offer two types of session experiences: the Emotion/Body/Belief Code clearing if you have specific symptom you would like help with, or Personal Profile reading (Gene Keys and Karmic Blueprint combined). Both work with your subconscious patterns and beliefs that cause unwanted symptoms in health or any area of life. Both are effective, but provide different experiences. My advise is to take multiple sessions where you can experience a blend of both and get results beyond your expectation.

    The Emotion/Body/Belief Code method is great for:

    • Identifying and clearing negative energies, trapped emotions and limiting believes that are at the root cause of many symptoms in health and in life.

    The Gene Keys Profile and Karmic Blueprint reading is great for:

    • a deeper understanding of your inner nature and potential, dive deeper into your purpose and life lessons, and specifically your issue in question. Weather you are focused on practical side of life, health or spiritual aspects of your life journey, your profile hods a full spectrum of insights that will guide you in the direction of success and prosperity.

  • The Emotion, Body and Belief Codes method is developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a visionary healer who experimented in energetic healing domain during his Chiropractic work. This energetic clearing technique is based on the premise that most imbalances and blocks are caused by trapped negative emotions or limiting beliefs. Identifying and clearing them allows your body and mind to restore naturally.

    I am a certified practitioner of the Emotion/Body/Belief Codes with extensive practical experience and knowledge in intuitive and energy healing.

  • The Gene Keys is a synthesis of Chinese ancient wisdom of I-Ching, art of Astrology and a the Human Design system presented in a unique and elegant Hologenetic Profile.

    Your Hologenetic Profile is based on astrological coordinates at the time of your birth and interpreted using 64 Gene Keys, based on the I Ching, hexagrams. Your profile reveals your personal spectrum of consciousness encoded in your DNA that opens a path for activating new genes for your highest potential, your Gifts and your Genius.

    I am a certified Gene Keys Guide and can guide you on your personal journey with the Gene Keys Profile.

    You can begin by taking a look at your Gene Keys profile for free here and come for a session to dive deeper.

  • Karmic Blueprint, like the Gene Keys profile, reveals your inner nature and personality (your personal reality) calculated from your birth date. The difference is in the way it is calculated and interpreted. Karmic means memory from preconception (Soul memory), prenatal (ancestral karmic memory) and choices you made in this life path as karmic lessons you chose for this life time.

    Why birthdate and numbers? Everything in the universe is based on patterns. Numbers represent archetypal patterns that we can interpret and numbers hold neutral value to us, because each archetype has a spectrum of consciousness from negative to positive. Your birthdate numbers contain codes of your life path

    Self knowledge is a precursor to transformation, therefore reading your profile is a spiritual and transformative experience that will leave you with many answers and insights.

    This Karmic Blueprint is not based on astrology or classic numerology, the numerical codes refer to an ancient alphabet of 22 archetypes (archetype is a pattern of human experience captured in the collective unconscious).

    This reading gives you so much actionable information, like a roadmap or a treasure map. Keep in mind that one session is not enough to get a full reading.

    Besides common questions we can calculate a personal compatibility chart with a specific person and get insight into your relationship patterns and how to improve it.

I am thrilled to work with you!

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Each session offers a gentle transformative experience that is unique to your personal journey. A session is approximately 1 hour or longer, we will meet over a Zoom video call.

*PayPal payment to @ilonahassan or hi@ilonahassan.com

*Session Package: for 4 or more Sessions apply 15% Discount Code at check out: FOUR

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